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Plainism is about my now.

I want these pieces to stand in

time as a signifier of who i am as artist.

My poetry combined with the abstract

create my perspective and aid in

showing my observations.

In my pieces, there may be humor,

there may be solace, but i just

aim to tell the truth.


Fish is about the people

who learned from the world.

the lessons learned

from the hard way

mold us in to the people

we grow to be.


This was actually the first piece I made for PLAINISM. If you look closely, I started with the shape that is my logo and built the piece around it. This process was why I started writing the poem, because like everything else, I taught myself. The pieces get more colorful after this as I only used four colors for this piece. I wanted to use light colors to represent the beginning of something. This piece has a different font from the rest and I was going to change it but I loved it as is. 


I love the hell

out of my friends.

With is about when I first met them

and how I sniffed around them before

i truly got close. I don't know why i'm like


With Theory:

I wanted this piece to show togetherness. This piece is a bit more bunched and the colors are closer together. I used yellow as a warning color as to show the anxiety that friendship can come with sometimes. The “head” of the figure covers the “I” in With almost entirely as to show what you have to give up when you want to be “With” people. 


I was at the bar and a friend was telling me how I should do something.

I wrote the first version this poem right then and there.

This is my journey, i will do with it,

what i want.

Advice Theory:

This piece features a very prominent body in the middle as to show the strength I see in my self. You can see the other body in the bad looking on. These together show the onlooker effect. I chose two pairs of colors that don’t necessarily blend as to show the advice being given and the path that I’m on as two separate entities.


Everybody knows i'm a yapper,

and I can't keep a secret for shit.

This piece is about that struggle.

I do my best not to spill the beans,

but they always end up all over.

Secret Theory:

This piece has a lot of hidden colors and shapes. The word secret is almost completely covered and the head is severed in two. This is to represent the duplicitousness of it all. This is by far my favorite piece i made for this series and the detail i put into trying to hide things showed me so much about who i am.


I make a lot of art about fear.

I like to frame it in different ways to

show how insidious it is in our lives.


The body on this piece is flipped like a coin would be. the green and red represent the chance of something good or bad happening. the piece is almost symmetrical if you squint really hard. I wanted the colors to be harsh

to represent the reality of fear and how it can tint your view of your blessing that is the life we have.


This piece was an ode to me.

I didn't give up.

I didn't stop.

I kept going and now I get to be here.

Quit Theory:

The piece has a lot of sunset colors as to represent the end. A lot of the things in this piece represent stoppage like the hard lines or the barriers set by the shapes. I want to really emphasize QUitting and not pausing, because there's nothing wrong with taking a break, but giving up is where i draw the line.


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